Monday, November 29, 2010

On Giving Thanks

My family celebrates Thanksgiving in the Philippines, it's a great reason to cook up a huge turkey and have friends over. That was something I truly missed this year.

But Gerard and I were lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving with some members of his family and their extended family. For the weekend, we took a quick trip down to L.A. and got to see the lovely sights of Redondo Beach.

Our contribution to dinner was of course... dessert! Truly a Gerard & Maita collaboration, teamwork at it's best. (It's great having a chef on call to help you with baking goodies!) Please excuse my not so great photos. (Perhaps there is still a DSLR in my distant future somewhere!)

Chocolate Oreo Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. 
There's a whole bag of double stuffed Oreos in that thing!

Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting.

The fabulous Thanksgiving spread.

The chef carving the turkey.

Family and Extended Family

Aside from the copious amounts of food, Thanksgiving of course was also a time to reflect and remember the many blessings we have. Life often seems difficult and its easy to forget we have so much to be thankful for. Health, Family, Friends, to name a few. And technology! Because it allows me to not feel so far away from home.

Thank you Auntie Nell, Louise, Billy, and Miguel for having us!

1 comment:

  1. Aw thanks Pi! Been super busy working on another website and I've got some catching up! I love your blessings posts!

