Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chocolate Calligraphy

This month's issue of Real Simple had me drooling and whining and wanting to try out new recipes. The recipes aren't up on their website yet so no photos but I've been dreaming of a hazelnut ganache tart with sea salt and double chocolate profiteroles. I'll let you know how those go!

In the meantime, this quote in the magazine caught my eye:

I wrote it our for Gerard to put in his office. I did it with sepia ink on parchment paper and I think it sums up how we feel about chocolate pretty well.


  1. Hi Maita! That is pretty calligraphy! :) It was nice meeting you over the weekend!

  2. Loving the calligraphy. Good job. Love how you are making good use of time. I wish I had your discipline.

