I am obsessed with
Ziploc bags. Obsessed, I tell you. Obsessed enough to buy 152 gallon Ziploc bags in one day.
Image from costco.com |
Ok, so it was at Costco. And I'll tell you my reasons/uses justifying why I bought all those Ziploc bags.
Food Storage. Stated in my previous budgeting entry #1, we wrap meat in foil before placing it in Ziploc bags for storing in the freezer. We also label the bags with the item and date we placed it in. Also good for storing leftovers.
Making Crumbs. Sometimes a recipe calls for crushed wafers, crushed oreos or graham cracker crumbs. I place the wafers or cookies in a Ziploc bag and bash the hell out of them with a wine bottle. It's quite fun actually!
Marinating Meat. We marinate meat in Ziploc bags with a bowl underneath for catching leaks. Bowl and ziploc bag stay in the fridge. Enough said.
Keeping Cookie Dough. Scoop out the cookie dough in the amount that you need (i.e. 1 round tablespoons) and freeze in shape. Next time you want some fresh baked cookies, take the frozen scoops and pop them in the oven. (We always want fresh baked cookies.)
Electronic Accessories Storage. You know all those cables/manuals/whatever that came with your new laptop/camera/phone? I like to place all the accessories from one item in one bag and I label it Macbook/Canon G11/iPhone or whatever electronic item it came with. That way they don't end up a tangled, unknown mess in the bottom drawer.
Replacement Piping Bags. We never buy piping bags for the fancy frosting work my husband does on my cupcakes. He just places the frosting in a Ziploc bag and snips of a tip of one corner! Presto! Instant piping bag! (He also attaches the fancy frosting tips on the bag but I think you could probably do without them.)
Toiletry Kits. We all probably have two or three fancy toiletry kits stashed away in our closets but nothing beats the simplicity of a Ziploc bag (not to mention the protection from exploding shampoo bottles or leaking lotions.)
Cushioning Breakables. When I don't have any of those packing plastic bubbles or bubble wrap, I inflate these with a straw and use them as packing material. Would still use bubble wrap and packing peanuts for extra fragile stuff though.
Sorting Pantyhose. Mocha, brown, nude, black, knee length, calf length, etc. Stick the label on the Ziploc bag before stuffing the pantyhose in. That way you know what's inside.
Kids Stuff. WHEN we have kids, I foresee many possible uses for these bags. Storing outfits, toys on the go, diapers, art materials, etc. I've even read these make great instant diaper changing pads. Just cut the bag open and voila!
Instant Ice Packs. Before we bought one of those ice packs mainly for cooler use, we'd fill a Ziploc bag with ice and and stick it in the cooler. Also good for injuries.
Screws and Odds and Ends. Store extra screws in labeled Ziploc bags. When taking apart furniture, keep all the screws for one piece (i.e. sofa) in one bag. We then like to tape the bag to the disassembled sofa. Or you can just mark the bags and keep them all together. This is great for moving.
And... that's all I've got. For now. With the 152 bags and at least 11 uses (I don't have kids yet,) I figure I won't have to buy any Ziploc bags for at least a year!