Ela, my beloved youngest niece, is celebrating her 4th birthday soon and she dearly wants a "Disney Princess" party. We tried looking for nice invitations but I decided to take things into my own hands and make them myself. I googled the internet for a Disney Princess image that I could use, added the necessary details, and voila! A personalized Disney Princess party invitation. Best thing of all, I had these printed at Kodak so they only cost 7 Pesos each. (Thank you Disney, for this image. I promise not to use it for commercial gain.)

For envelopes, I went to Google again and searched for templates for making your own envelopes. I found one that fit, and as soon as I find my steel ruler, I'm going to print, cut, and glue those envelopes together. Not bad for a few hours work. :)
We're also going to make colored foam tiaras and crowns for all the party guests but more on that next time. So many fun craft things to do! I love children's parties :D
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