I've almost finished the envelopes for her invitations. All I had to do was google a template, print them out, cut them up and paste them together. What's great about it is that you can use any paper you want! I had these pads of funky construction paper lying around so I decided to use those. Aren't they pretty?

If you want to make your own envelopes, here's a tutorial from instructables.com. They're really easy to make. You can also find a lot of ready to print templates for making your own envelope online.
Next up on our list is... crowns! Crowns for this special princess party. At first, I had no idea how we were going to make these crowns but my mom found these huge sheets of colored foam for P180.00 each. So of course, I went back to google (my answer to everything) and did some research on how to make crowns. So here's how we made our crowns.
1. First I downloaded the image below and printed an even number of copies on board paper for easier cutting tracing. Since our guests are quite young, I shrank the image down to 60% to make the crowns smaller.
2. Next, we cut out the crown patterns, taped the two sides together and traced the patterns over and over again on the colored foam sheets.

3. After, we cut out the crown patterns, decorated them with plastic rhinestones, colored foam cut out pieces, ribbon, (basically anything and everything you want.)

4. Lastly, we attached a garter to the two ends of the crown using these metal studs to keep them from slipping off the small ones heads. I think you can get the metal studs and garter at most craft/fabric stores.

There you go! The finished products of the crown assembly line. Pretty cute huh? I've still got to design my very own personalized crown. I'm tempted to buy a tube of puff/fabric paint at the bookstore so I can write "Princess Maita" on mine. Hey, what girl doesn't want to be a princess for a day. :)

For a more in depth make your own crown instructions, you can download pdf files from this website. They've got different patterns and this is where we got the pattern for our little foam shapes too.
Happy party crafting!
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