Wednesday, February 2, 2011

On Riding Trains

I’m sitting on the BART as I write this and I can’t help but marvel about how my life has changed.

My wedding ring winks at me from my left hand and from my window I can see the sun setting over San Francisco, where I’m headed to for my first graphic design class.

Growing up, I could never have fathomed that this would be my life someday.

In fifteen weeks (I only know that because I’m headed home as soon as this class is done) I will be on a plane headed back to the Philippines, for the first time since I’ve moved to the US. I will have been gone for a year and I wonder how things will have changed there.

Life’s a funny thing like that. Never thought I would become a teacher. Never thought that I would marry Gerard and we would end up living in the Bay Area. (Ok fine, maybe I did have thoughts of marrying Gerard haha.) Never really thought about what leaving home would be like and how much I would miss my family every day.  (Working in media and design, not so shocking since I did major in communication.)

Yet, here I am, on a train, amazed by my reflection and location, in the window.

I guess sometimes, it’s when you’re forced to sit down and wait to get somewhere that you realize how far you’ve come.

On another note, poor Chocolate, Vanilla, and Then Some has been sorrily neglected in favor of hellowhimsy and etsy! I’m hoping that once life settles down a bit, I’ll have more time to write here again.

But on the other hand, I have loved the fact that I’ve been living life offline, and not just writing about it.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Sounds like things are going just as they should for you! :-)

  2. hugs hugs hugs! trully a blessed life :)

  3. I am always happy to hear people are living offline.

    Congrats on your engagement. Enjoy going home.

    Thank you for visiting me on my SITS day.


