A few days ago, a photo popped up on my phone of a beautiful opal ring on a very familiar hand. I didn't quite get the meaning until I read the words "He proposed!" in the text message. Imagine my surprise and joy at the fact that one of my dearest friends of earth was engaged to her longtime boyfriend of five years!
The photo on my phone
Maybe it's a year for wedding and engagements and new things. Perhaps its the age group were in, (late twenties) that is "typical" if I daresay of such events such as marriage, moves, and births of babies. It seems that in the last few years, we've been talking of weddings and babies more and more! (One of my other friends just gave birth and I am godmother to her a child, another friend is pregnant, Rhoda and I were bridesmaids at her wedding, and Rhoda was a bridesmaid at mine!) So much has come full circle.
Rhoda showing off her ring :D
But why an opal ring you may ask, not the traditional diamond? Well, her boyfriend listened to her last year when she said she didn't want a regular diamond ring, and the opal is her birthstone! He had to get it especially made for her. Isn't that different? I thought it was a wonderful idea!
I really wish I could be home in Cebu at this exciting time of my Rhoda's life. All the choices you have to make, dress designs, color motifs, venue, food, music, etc! (Yes you can tell I just got married too.) She and have seen each other through so much, through elementary, and high school, and college, not to mention through relationships! She's such a dear friend of mine, who's always seen me through thick and thin and I am deeply happy that we are both settled with good men to be beside us for the rest of our lives.
So Rhods, if you're reading this too, I am so happy that you're happy with Jim. I love you and I wish you nothing but the best! And I promise. I'll be there on your special day!
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