Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Salamat, President Cory.

For the past two days, my family has been glued to the TV, watching the coverage of the wake and funeral procession of President Cory Aquino. I know my previous post was also about President Cory but the wave of emotions are just so strong that I have to write again.

I am just so deeply touched and amazed by the unity of the Filipino people in honoring her. She was an amazing woman who did amazing things for our country.

In the heat, in the rain, thousands of Filipinos wait for their turn to honor her.

Watching Kris Aquino's farewell to her mother, I could not help but tear and wonder at how she shared her mother with the world. President Cory may be our icon of democracy, but she was also a mother who loved and supported her children.

I am always proud to be Filipino. But today, I am especially moved. What a sight, to see all Filipinos honoring President Cory in solidarity.

I may not remember the People Power Revolution as I was still a baby. But these are days that I will remember for the rest of my life. Today, I am reminded again, of what it means, to be Filipino.

Salamat, President Cory.

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