Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week Ahead

Just a quick post because I'm so excited!

Going to Dumaguete for the long weekend with my entire family for Silliman founder's day, Ate Anna arriving on Monday, and I'm only working three days next week!

Also, I bought more paper supplies at National Bookstore as well as awesome fashion finds at the Export Expo at SM, all proudly Philippine-made.

Planning to take a lot of photos over the weekend and were staying at the South Sea beach resort too!

I've got a lot to look forward to!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Aspire Batch 13A

I'd like to introduce you to my first Aspire batch, 13A. They are a group of smart, inspiring, talented invdividuals who give each other unwavering support. And best of all, majority of them are now hard-working contact center agents!

Team, I'd like to think it was a pretty successful class, but I will admit that much was of it was a learning process for me as well. All in all, I'd like to think we had a wonderful time together and that we all came away from it a little better, a little wiser, and a little happier. We had so much fun didn't we?!

I miss you 13A! I'm so proud of all of you and I'm sure you're all enjoying yourselves. Come visit me anytime!

P.S. Devie, wherever you are, I am especially proud of the fact that you never gave up. Hearing your news was amazing. You truly inspire me to never give up as well. Good luck!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Netbook Love

Photo courtesy of Asus EEE PC press release

Gerard and I are geeks. That has been a long established fact. And I think the ultimate sign of this geekiness... is the fact that we have matching netbooks! We both have the Asus EEE PC1000H netbooks with Intel Atom 1.6GHz CPUs, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, Intel UMA graphics, wifi capabilities, three USB slots, built in card read, audio jacks, and VGA out ports. Gerard's is black and mine is white. We've even gone so far as to get skins. I gave him the motherboard skin from GelaSkins and mine is a green flowered striped one from ProudSkin. (See previous post on Skins)

I've yet to take a photo of us with our matching netbooks side by side but believe me, I will eventually!

I do love my netbook though. Despite the fact that the motherboard crashed after seven months and it took two months for it to get repaired, I'm still very happy with it. (Thankfully it was still covered by the warranty.) And the price wasn't bad either! (Especially since we all know most netbooks are a lot cheaper than regular sized laptops.)

I know it may seem a little shallow but my netbook actually inspires me to write more. I love its portability and speed (no offense Macbook, you will always be my first love!) and that I can take it anywhere and write anywhere. It is now my main tool/outlet for creativity.

Sure the size took a little getting used to but the addition of a mouse really makes using it more comfortable because the trackpad IS a bit uncomfy.

I've also maximized the use of its smaller screen with several Firefox add-ons and by moving the task bar to the side. And at the epitome of my geekiness, I have also learned to install applications over our home network because I do not have an external DVD/CD drive for the netbook.

Sometimes I can't help but shake my head in wonder over how far technology has come. In a lot of ways, the world is getting smaller and smaller and technology has enabled us to establish many wonderful connections with family members, old friends, and loved ones. Of course technology may have its down side but I believe the benefits far outweigh the negative effects. As long as we do not lose control of ourselves to the internet and technology, we should be fine.

Then again, you're reading a blog by someone who has multiple back up methods of connecting to the internet SHOULD the main internet connection fail. Hmmm.... *Wink wink.*

Friday, August 21, 2009

First Wedding Post.

I can't help it. Though I know we are only a tiny bit into wedding planning, I can't help but become excited about the little things that we are accomplishing. Designing invitations (I love paper!), looking for a photographer, working with a wedding coordinator. All these little steps that lead to one big day! (I just have to pour this all out into writing.)

Last week, my mom and I went to the "mini" wedding expo at the Cebu International Convention Center and we collected a bunch of fliers of suppliers and photographers. We're currently in the process of contacting them and deciding which ones were most comfortable with.

As always, one of the biggest considerations is our guest list.

I wish with all my heart that we could invite everyone in the world who has touched our hearts and has been part of our lives. But due to our recent loss and the fact that Gerard and I are still starting our careers, we are opting to have a smaller, more intimate wedding. Perhaps in the future, we can have a bigger celebration.

But for now, I'm just trying to enjoy the ride of preparing to be a bride! So much to do! So many decisions to make!

I'll leave you with one of the cutest wedding cakes I have ever seen, by Trina Ang. I got it off her multiply website and here's the link . Isn't it adorable?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal, Nicholas Flamel.

I know it may be a little disappointing that I am not currently reading earth-shattering and society changing novels. I will admit it, I now read purely for entertainment and enjoyment. Later on, I will probably go back to reading literature but as of now, I'm just enjoying light novels, or "brain candy" as I like to refer to them.

I've always loved reading and I can go on and on about books. Perhaps my next post will be about my favorite books. But for now, this is what I am reading:

Yep, I'm reading Michael Scott's series, The Secrets of the Immortal, Nicholas Flamel. NO, it is not a Harry Potter spin-off. Yes, it's about magic, and wizardry. But what I really love about it is that Michael Scott weaves mythological characters into his writing. He has vampires, werewolves, Bastet the Cat goddess, Morrigan of the crows, and other characters from ancient folklore.

I believe its my love of mythology that really draws me to these books. Sure, it's the usual tale of good versus evil, we need to defeat them before they change mankind as we know it blah blah blah. But what Scott does so well is describe in vivid detail. There are intricate connections through out his books as well as surprises. He writes of magic and ancient gods living side by side with the humani (that's humans to us.) Of of the original warrior Scatach whose grandmother was the first witch. Of living with nature and having your life bound to the life of a tree, of necromancy, alchemy. All these things woven into the lives of Josh and Sophie, teenage humani twins with amazing powers.

I finished reading the first book the other night and I could not sleep until I had finished it! (Then again that's me, especially when I really like the book.)

If you're looking for serious literature or chick lit, then this book isn't for you. But if you've always loved tales of ancient magic, Greek mythology, gods and goddess, then why not give this series a try.

I'm saving The Magician for the weekend when I can read it at a nice slow pace. Read the series, feel like a kid, and AGAIN, it's nothing like Harry Potter.

Happy reading!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Make Your Own Havaianas 2009

It's that time of the year again!

No, I'm not talking about Christmas! I'm talking about Make Your Own Havaianas 2009!

For all you MYOH virgins out there, this is the Havaianas event where you can create your own personalized pair of flip flops. From the sole to the strap to the pins and crystals, create a pair of Havaianas that is uniquely your own!

Last year, MYOH offere letter pins so you could spell out whatever you wanted on your straps. From names to initials to places, the possibilities were endless!

This year, MYOH is brings out the Pinoy Pride. Put some local soul into your step with jeepney, Noypi, sorbetero cart, and vinta pins, (yes, as in the beautiful boats from Zamboanga, mentioned in the Tara Na, Biyahe Tayo song.) Add sparkly crystals, a lomo pin, a TV pin, a flower pin, and you've got a pair of flip flops that no one else has.

I got Gerard and myself matching pairs, brown with gold straps. (I know, cheesy, but hey! At least we're not a super matching couple!) Will post a photo when I have time.

See you at MYOH 2009 at the SM Atrium!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dinner: Grilled Dory with a Garlic and Soy Sauce Sauce

I'm on a roll!

My mom used to tell me that once I liked doing something, I'd do it a lot. Which is true! I have my phases. When I get it into my head that I want to do something, I'll keep doing it and doing it until I get tired of going it. Then I'll stop. And then I'll pick it up again a few months later. Sometimes its a hobby. Sometimes it's eating a certain type of food (especially Japanese food!) Sometimes it's exercising (*wink wink).

This time, it's tinkering around in the kitchen.

So, dinner tonight: Grilled Dory with a garlic and soy sauce sauce

It's a pretty easy recipe.

Basically, we sprinkle a little pepper, salt, and calamansi juice on the dory before putting it on the grill.

For the sauce, we saute onion and garlic together in oil and add soy sauce after the garlic has browned.

Lastly, we put the dory on the serving plate and pour the sauce all over it.

There you go, a really easy and simple BUT tasty way to cook dory. Much healthier than frying it too, as we usually use canola oil or olive oil.

I'm stuffed from dinner!

I wonder what the next thing I make will be... Probably my special chocolate chip cookies on Friday!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Special Squash Soup

Squash soup is one of my specialties. I usually make it at the request of a family member, such as when one of them is sick or for a special dinner. I got a recipe from Gerard years ago but over the years I've just sort of tweaked it here and there.

This is my "recipe" for squash soup now (hun, I know that you wouldn't approve of it, being trained in French cuisine and all, but it works!)


One Big Squash (Peeled and cut up into cubes. Make sure you remove the seeds!)
2 Knorr Chicken Cubes
Half an Onion (Chopped)
A Leek (just the white part, sliced into pieces)
1 Quart All Purpose Cream
Half a Stick of Butter
and... Bacon! (Fried and sliced into pieces, to garnish)

And here's what I do:

First I fill a big pot halfway with water and dissolve the chicken cubes in it to make chicken stock. Then I throw the squash, leeks, and onions into the pot and I let it all simmer together until the squash is cooked.

After turning off the heat, I take our awesome hand blender (this is one of my all time favorite appliances ever) and I blend all the ingredients in the pot until it becomes nice and thick. See! I don't even have to transfer the mix to a blender!

Then I turn the heat back on, add the butter and all purpose cream and mix it all together. Lastly, I add the salt, pepper, and cinnamon to taste.

Voila! Homemade squash soup!

And right before serving, I add the bacon pieces to add a yummy crunch to my squash soup. Yum! I'm really looking forward to dinner tonight. My squash soup, a salad, and mom's grilled lamb! I love Sunday dinners!

It's been a fun day in the kitchen! First toasted marshmallow shake and then squash soup. Good thing I'm going back to the gym tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Salamat, President Cory.

For the past two days, my family has been glued to the TV, watching the coverage of the wake and funeral procession of President Cory Aquino. I know my previous post was also about President Cory but the wave of emotions are just so strong that I have to write again.

I am just so deeply touched and amazed by the unity of the Filipino people in honoring her. She was an amazing woman who did amazing things for our country.

In the heat, in the rain, thousands of Filipinos wait for their turn to honor her.

Watching Kris Aquino's farewell to her mother, I could not help but tear and wonder at how she shared her mother with the world. President Cory may be our icon of democracy, but she was also a mother who loved and supported her children.

I am always proud to be Filipino. But today, I am especially moved. What a sight, to see all Filipinos honoring President Cory in solidarity.

I may not remember the People Power Revolution as I was still a baby. But these are days that I will remember for the rest of my life. Today, I am reminded again, of what it means, to be Filipino.

Salamat, President Cory.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Yellow Ribbon for Cory: 1933-2009

I was a pre-People Power baby. Meaning, I was born before the Philippine's People Power Revolution in 1986 and I was only four when it happened. If I search through my memories, I only come across glimpses of yellow shirts and the famous sketch of Ninoy. I remember the inverted letter "L" sign we used to make with our hands signifying "Laban". Honestly, I don't remember much from first hand experience.

But as I grew older, I began to understand what People Power meant and why it was such a big deal to everyone. I began to take pride in the triumph of our country and I began to understand the price we paid for our freedom.

Most especially, the price paid by Benigno Aquino Jr., and his wife, the late president Corazon Cojuangco Aquino.

The whole country mourns the death of our beloved former president, who passed away Saturday, August 1, 2009, after a long battle with cancer. To many, she is the mother of our democracy. To many, she is our symbol of hope. She played an amazing part in releasing our country from the hands of tyranny. And she will forever be remembered by the country that she helped bring to freedom.

May you rest in peace, Madame President. May we never forget your sacrifice and bravery. May we never forget the lessons you taught us through your example. And may you forever live in our hearts, in the hearts of the Filipino People.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Feel-Good Movie Time

I'm a sucker for feel-good movies. What can I say. Romantic comedies, chick flicks, whatever you wanna call them. I watch movies to relax, to laugh, and to be entertained.

Last night, the female members of my family had a girl's night out and I'd like to think we thoroughly enjoyed. Though the movie wasn't what you would call earth shaking or amazing, it was a predictable, entertaining, feel-good movie. (What else did you expect? Seriously?)

Though the pairing of Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock may seem a bit awkward, the movie had a few surprises which definitely kept us on our toes. I won't spoil it too much for everyone just in case you do plan to watch it. But I enjoyed it, and it was just what I needed on this rainy weekend. It was good for a laugh, the scenery was gorgeous, and let's not forget to mention the eye candy (*wink wink.)

Take it for what it is. A sappy, romantic comedy that you shouldn't take too seriously and you'll probably enjoy it too. Hmmm... what's next on my list. Definitely looking forward to "The Ugly Truth" with Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler.
