Yesterday, I heard the most wonderful news.
One of my dearest friends in the whole world has met someone who makes her indescribably happy. He is someone that she feels, fits all the pieces of the puzzle. It may have been the last thing on earth on that she expected. But it has come. And she is indescribably happy.
We got to talk on the phone after two years of not speaking and you could almost feel the giddiness crossing the oceans between us. I often caught myself getting teary-eyed at her happiness. Happiness like that is contagious. It’s amazing.
Yet, she couldn’t quite bring herself to mention the titles that come with relationships. Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Fiance, Husband. Funny thing is, I’m exactly the same way! It’s not that I don’t acknowledge it or I can’t acknowledge it. Perhaps it’s just that I’ve never been one to have titles comfortably roll off my tongue.
Gerard is who he is to me. He can’t be encompassed in one word. Which is why it feels weird pegging a title to him. But for the sake of simplifying things, I just often say boyfriend. But he is so much more than that. I believe it was the same for her.
Oh, we talked about so many things!
We only spoke for about an hour but in that hour, but in that hour, I feel we truly re-connected. I don’t know, maybe she and I just understand each other so well. We can be frank with each other, we can be happy for each other, we just get each other.
Wonderful news like that just can’t help but remind me that God sometimes drops unexpected, wonderful surprises in your lap. Yes, I am extremely happy for her but I do miss her.
But I think the fact that we might someday LIVE within an hour and half of each other just added to the joy that we felt.
Who would have thought, when we said goodbye in front of our apartment building, in Thailand, that we could someday be living near each other again? I know we both didn’t.
What a wonderful gift that was!