Dear Friends,
Just wanted to let you all know that I will soon be moving my blog to See you there!
Thanks for being a reader of my blog!
<3 Maita
Chocolate Inspiration
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Our Anniversary! The First!
As of last weekend, we've been married a year! A year, can you believe it? Well I know we have a hard time :D.
And so much has happened in that year. We went to Hong Kong for our honeymoon, I got my fiance visa (technically our wedding in the Philippines was only a religious ceremony), my whole family flew to the US, where Gerard and I got legally married, and we settled into our apartment. And I settled into life in Concord.
We went to L.A. for Thanksgiving and spent Christmas in Virginia. I got my driver's license, a total of two haircuts the whole year (they're expensive) and started taking graphic design classes. Gerard traveled a lot for work, L.A., Chicago, Vegas. And he's going to Germany sometime this year too.
We moved apartments, bought a washer/dryer, and settled into our current home. I work from home, cook dinner, and help Gerard catch up with his laundry. We go for long drives (usually in search of some craving I have, some random thing I want to see), movie dates, and walks in the park. Our place isn't always 100% neat but I've learned to live with that.
We watch TV, run errands, and we're starting to plan our meals too.
Sure, we fought. But I figured that's part of adjusting to living together, learning about each other, and being married!
For anniversary weekend, we did quite a lot.
We cooked a yummy dinner of Seared Scallops, Salmon Sashimi, Mussels and Pasta + BBQ Ribs on Friday night.
Saturday, we drove to Napa and had merienda at the Oxbow Public Market, a "Napa-fied" version of San Francisco's Ferry Building.
I really wanted to try the ice cream from Three Twins but their freezer was buggy so they were only selling by the pints and gallons that day.
So I got me some mini cupcakes instead from Kara's Cupcakes (I love the Fleur de Sal one! My new favorite!)
And we had the Cachapa or sweet corn pancake with meat and cheese filling from Pica Pica.
It was really yummy!
Afterwards, we drove to a few Napa thrift stores where I scored some awesome books, especially a design book recommended by my illustrator teacher. It's price at $15 on Amazon but I got it for $1. Thrift store shopping rocks!
And stopped by the golf course on the way home to take some pictures. Good thing too! Cause when we actually went to play golf the next day (my awesome anniversary gift to Gerard) I had left the memory card at home! Rookie mistake.
But here are some shots of us at the golf course in Napa. (We didn't play here though, we played in Concord. This was just for a photo op.)
Our golf game was pretty awesome even though golf cart rentals were only for seniors and the disabled. So we walked, I dragged my bag along, played 9 holes and tied at that! Was a decent game with both of us scoring two over bogey.
Happy Anniversary to us! Here's to many more years of adventures ahead!
(Sappy sentiments not to be posted online, only written in cards.)
bay area,
favorite things,
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wedding Bouquet Display
For some time now, I’ve been keeping my eye out for a glass cloche or dome at thrift stores. I wanted them for my wedding bouquet, which I had left sitting in a glass vase (without any water) so it had dried out nicely. I wanted to further protect it from elements like water and moving people. I had checked online too and the size that I had needed cost upward of $45 which was a little too pricy for a piece of glass in my opinion. (The ones below start from $89! They are pretty though.)
photo from |
So here’s my shabby chic inspired version for displaying my wedding bouquet:
The Lanstalle lantern for candles purchased from… Ikea. Though it may not be as airtight as the cloche, I’m still pretty happy with how it turned out. And since dust mostly settles from on top, I covered the air duct at the very top of the lantern with a round piece of contact paper.
Now my wedding flowers are happily sitting in their new home, protected from the elements. (Well mostly at least.) And the price of this glass lantern? $14.99. Wanting to save does make you think out of the box! Or in this case, in it.
cheap and fun,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
New Favorite Stuff!
I've been really busy here in our new home and in my studio. I have so much more room to do projects... which makes me super busy... which leads to little blogging time.
But I wanted to write a quick post of some things that I'm totally loving now.
1.) Loreal Everpure Sulfate Free Shampoo and Conditioner.
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My mom told me that she had started using sulfate free shampoo and conditioner and it had done wonders for her hair. It also had a wonderful price at maybe P1200.00. a bottle. That's pretty pricy shampoo!
So she sent me on a mission to find affordable sulfate free shampoo and conditioner here and I found one manufactured by Loreal.
I bought some, tried it out and I am now a sulfate free shampoo convert! My hair has never been this soft and healthy! My hair is naturally on the frizzy side but it now dries silky soft and slightly wavy with no help from a hair dryer! I've gotten quite a few compliments on it too! Plus the bottle lasts really long because you only have to use so little of it at a time.
And the best part? Less than $7 a bottle (tube?) from your local Target. (I love Target!)
2.) So remember a few weeks it was my birthday? Well Gerard took me to Ruth's Chris Steak House where we had a wonderful, intimate meal. The veal was delicious. But my no doubt ultimate favorite part of that meal... was the Sweet Potato Casserole. It was like a mashed sweet potato dish with a kind of candied pecan topping and it was like having dessert. With your main course. Matter of fact, that was one of the reasons Gerard wanted to take me there. For their Sweet Potato Casserole.
I loved it so much that a friend gave me the recipe she uses to replicate it. And I made some for my belated birthday dinner too!
I know it may not look like much in the photo. But it's SO GOOD that I made it TWICE in March alone. (And I wonder where these few extra pounds came from!) I'll post the recipe on here soon.
3.) Spicy SPAM
I've never been a huge fan of spam, until my friend Nicole served some for breakfast at her place one day. It was spicy, crispy, and perfect with steaming hot white rice.
Fast forward several months later and I found spicy spam on sale at our local Seafood City for $2.50 a can. And what does Maita do? Buy 4 cans.
Not only do we love eating it with white rice, it's A-MAZ-ING with the sweet potato casserole above. The contrast of the spicy, crispy, meat with the sweet potato is addictive. Super addictive. So addictive that I cooked up another casserole last week and have been slowly eating it with spicy spam.
Sounds weird, I know. But don't knock it til you try it.
3. Since I've been cooking more now that we have a separate kitchen/dining room, well, I've also got to clean up more to. I'd seen this product around and read a review in my favorite magazine, Real Simple.
It's the SLIPPER GENIE, basically slippers with microfiber fingers underneath that clean as you walk. Plus the soles can be detached and thrown in the washing machine. I wear them so that while I'm cooking, I'm cleaning the kitchen floor too!
Unfortunately, at our local Ross, all they had was the kids version.
And I bought them anyway :). They actually fit me just right! And they were only $5.00 compared to the $13.00 price tag on amazon.
Gerard thinks they're cute. And I've got clean floors so I'm not complaining. Mine are blue hehe. We don't know it its supposed to be a puppy on it or a donkey. Any guesses?
So there, I just had to share these things which I'm totally loving and they bright up my day. Do you have a list of your current favorite things? I'd love to see them!
I loved it so much that a friend gave me the recipe she uses to replicate it. And I made some for my belated birthday dinner too!
I know it may not look like much in the photo. But it's SO GOOD that I made it TWICE in March alone. (And I wonder where these few extra pounds came from!) I'll post the recipe on here soon.
3.) Spicy SPAM
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Fast forward several months later and I found spicy spam on sale at our local Seafood City for $2.50 a can. And what does Maita do? Buy 4 cans.
Not only do we love eating it with white rice, it's A-MAZ-ING with the sweet potato casserole above. The contrast of the spicy, crispy, meat with the sweet potato is addictive. Super addictive. So addictive that I cooked up another casserole last week and have been slowly eating it with spicy spam.
Sounds weird, I know. But don't knock it til you try it.
3. Since I've been cooking more now that we have a separate kitchen/dining room, well, I've also got to clean up more to. I'd seen this product around and read a review in my favorite magazine, Real Simple.
It's the SLIPPER GENIE, basically slippers with microfiber fingers underneath that clean as you walk. Plus the soles can be detached and thrown in the washing machine. I wear them so that while I'm cooking, I'm cleaning the kitchen floor too!
Unfortunately, at our local Ross, all they had was the kids version.
photo from |
Gerard thinks they're cute. And I've got clean floors so I'm not complaining. Mine are blue hehe. We don't know it its supposed to be a puppy on it or a donkey. Any guesses?
So there, I just had to share these things which I'm totally loving and they bright up my day. Do you have a list of your current favorite things? I'd love to see them!
favorite things,
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Enter Project Life
Whee! I'm super excited! I think that's probably why I couldn't sleep last night!
My Project Life Kit arrived yesterday!
So um, what's Project Life?
It’s called a complete scrapbook system but that’s not how I like to think of it. (I really don’t like scrapbooking!) What it is, is a complete, easy to assemble album complete with journaling cards for you to jot down little notes about the photos. It comes with monthly dividers, title cards, journal cards, stickers, even a date stamp! There’s no need to cute anything, just choose where you want things to go, slip your photos and journal cards and you’re done!
There’s no need to cut anything, punch out anything, go back to the store for matching accents, everything you need is right in the awesome Becky Higgins box. (There are photo albums dedicated to this box alone!) And what kind of timeline you use, is up to you! There are 54 photo pages that come with this kit, including one page for a front, one for a back so it you can use it one page per week. Or day. Or month. Or however you like.
I was so excited to start using Project Life I begged Gerard to let me open it already even if our anniversary isn’t for another two weeks. (Traditional gifts for anniversaries call for paper. I'm not complaining! )My excuse was that I wanted to document our whole first year of marriage first, starting with a few wedding photos, our honeymoon, our first apartment. I’m not following a specific time format, I just want to chronicle all the adventures we’ve had in the last 12 months. Maybe my next kit I’ll do weekly! Who knows 
What really appealed to me about this kit, were the journaling cards. I love to write, I love to jot down my thoughts and photo books don’t really give you that opportunity. With Project Life, I can take a journaling card and write a few sentences for every photo in the album. It’s like a photo album and journal in one! And if you like, you can insert a few mementos like ticket stubs, receipts, and other things too!
The only slight, slight downside is that the photo pages are only set for horizontal photos. But you can buy additional pages that feature vertical photos. I’m actually just buying more photo pockets, period!
So I’ve spent a good part of the day uploading photos to, Fujifilm’s online print service. I’ve always preferred Fuji to Kodak but I’ll save my thoughts on for another day.
Have I piqued your interest? For more about Project Life, check out beckhiggins.comwhere they’ve got all sorts of info, inspiration, and additional products for Project Life. There’s even a digital edition! And a whole community of Project Life users who share their ideas.
I’ll give you a peek at my first few pages as soon as I’m done.
favorite things,
Monday, March 21, 2011
Mini Dinner Party
Two things I love:
1) Extended Birthday Celebrations
2) Sharing a good meal with great friends
After three weeks of moving, unpacking, buying furniture plus a washer and dryer, we finally felt our home was organized enough to host a mini dinner with friends. Or we scrambled like crazy to at least get it half presentable the day of. (Which is it? I'll never tell.)
I always tell myself it takes at least 6 months to get settled in somewhere, and I'm just so grateful that we have friends and family nearby. We may not get to see them very often but I've always felt that one of the things that makes a house feel more like a home is having friends and family over. I love having people over! More so than going out, I think. Well that's fun too but I guess I'm low-key like that.
Plus we love to cook! So a post birthday celebration/housewarming was the perfect excuse to cook up a mean meal. And I do mean, a daze-inducing, stuffed-to-the-brim, I'm-so-full-I'm-not-eating-for-the-next-week, mean meal.
Menu: Steak, Butter Lemon Garlic Crab,
Sweet Potato Casserole, Roasted Bone Marrow,
and White Jasmin Rice.
Oh, plus brownies and vanilla bean ice cream for dessert :D.
We had an awesome time, talking about the most random things like Evian face spray bottles and the fact that you can buy crab fat in a jar in the Philippines. And the food was wiped out!
Thank you, H, D, and J, for joining us to celebrate lots of things, our new home, my birthday, and love, laughter and friendship.
Looking forward to many more yummy dinners :D Already thinking of more occasions to celebrate! Anniversaries, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, hmmm...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
On Facebook Reconnections
Many times I do see the cons of too much technology, your life gets sucked in, your eyesight gets worse, your forearms/wrist hurt from repetitive strain injury (I may be guilty to all of the above.) But there are also the wonderful pros to technology. And Facebook. One of the things I love about Facebook is that I get to get in touch with old friends and family from around the world.
Case in point:
Jennifer was our dear friend whose family migrated to Hawaii shortly before the sixth grade. Back then, we had no internet, no way of communicating, we didn't even get to say goodbye to her. We had no forwarding address, no number. My friends and I were very saddened at her departure and just hoped that we'd see her again someday.
Fast forward 17 years later and here I am, having lunch with Jennifer and our other classmate, Melissa, in San Francisco! We got to meet her husband and her two adorable kids, catch up on the last 17 years and talk about marriage! (Sometimes the fact of marriage still amazes me.) We had awesome time and lunch was over before we knew it.
L-R Melissa, Jennifer, Me |
I've got other stories too and I do think that Facebook is awesome in the getting/keeping in touch aspect. Now if only we could get a whole class reunion organized!
P.S. This was the same day I went to Fabmo, this awesome organization that give fabric and all this other stuff away for free! See my FabMo post HERE.
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